This Parenting Gig is Tough: The Impact of Parent Coaching on Families.

In the early days of my parent coaching journey, I met a lot of first-time parents who were feeling totally overwhelmed and stressed out. They opened up to me about not having a clue about what to do and constantly doubting themselves.

They tried reading parenting books and listening to podcasts, but those just weren't giving them the results they wanted.

Every child is a beautiful and unique individual, and as parents, we face all kinds of challenges. And unlike books or videos, parent coaching offers parenting support for overwhelmed parents, providing a customized strategy.

Your coach GETS you - genuinely understands your struggles, recognizes your strengths, and shares your goals.  

I've also worked with countless not-so-first-time parents who have looked for help with parenting, trying everything from yelling to bribing to get their kids to listen, but nothing seems to do the trick. They end up feeling super frustrated and like they've hit a dead-end.

Then they start parent coaching. And everything changes.
Here’s why:

  1. You get to address YOUR specific challenges.

While books, podcasts, and videos are helpful, they can't match the personalised guidance and support a parent coach provides.

When you work with a parent coach, you'll receive one-on-one attention from a trained professional who will take the time to understand your challenges. They then create a personalized plan that fits your family dynamic like a glove.

I remember working with one parent who was struggling with her 4-year-old son's hitting behaviour. The parent was feeling at her wit's end, and she didn't know what to do.

We worked together to create a plan that addressed the specific triggers for the child's hitting behavior. We also discussed how to communicate with her son in a way that would help him to understand why hitting was not acceptable.

Within a few weeks, the meltdown and hitting behaviour had decreased significantly. The parent was feeling more confident, and her son was starting to learn how to express his emotions in a more healthy way.

2. You have two-way communication that you don’t get from a book.

While reading books and watching videos can provide information, they often give blanket advice that may not suit your unique situation. But, what truly sets parent coaching apart is the direct interaction with an expert. This two-way trouble-shooting is crucial to making effective changes in your home. 

When I'm working with a parent, we have check-ins where we discuss their progress, which also allows them to get feedback, ask questions, and clarify anything they're not sure about. 

3. You actually stay on track. 

Parenting is tough, and trying to stay consistent with new strategies, like how to get kids to listen, can be so challenging. You may sometimes find yourself emotionally overwhelmed, and sometimes, you might even feel like giving up.

It's okay; we're only human!

But with a parent coach by your side, you'll stay motivated and on track, giving you that extra push, offering empathy, validation, and guidance in managing stress, frustration, or guilt associated with parenting.

Trust me, having someone in your corner who REALLY understands makes a world of difference.

4. You move from learning to doing!

When you start with a coach, you put what you learn into action straight away. And your coach can take you through hands-on exercises to help you develop new skills and techniques like managing your kids' behavior and your own triggers. This practical approach helps you bridge the gap between theory and practice, making it easier to try out those new strategies at home.

And it's all about continuous improvement - do not look for a quick fix.

Parent coaching is an ongoing process, not a one-and-done solution. Your coach is there for you every step of the way, checking on your progress, adjusting strategies if necessary, and offering continuous support.

If you ask me, the best part about parent coaching is seeing the parents I work with make real progress. They learn new skills, gain fresh confidence, and start enjoying parenting again. 

If you're facing challenges with your parenting, getting help with parenting through parent coaching could be the transformative solution you've been looking for. It could make the difference between feeling frustrated and feeling empowered.

I encourage you to reach out - fill in the contact form and let us know about your challenges or what you’re like support with. Kids with big emotions? Disruptive, challenging behaviours? Maybe your own triggers and angry outbursts?

I’m here - we can do this together!

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